- 14Xuñ
Spring activities
These last three months of Spring have been very productive! We have been experimenting with lots of new things, including gardening. In May we planted some gladiolus. We had so much fun learning how to do it! Do you want to see how we did it? Look how much they’ve grown! We are so proud of our gardening skills! This Spring we also celebrated Press Week. We created these original bunnies with newspapers: We also invented this mural with only good news: And this other mural with crazy news! As you can see, our Spring has been very productive! What about yours? Tell us in the comments!
01XuñLetras Galegas 2021
Last 17th of May we celebrated, as usual, our Letras Galegas Day. It is one of the most important dates for our culture. As you may know, this date conmemorates the publishing of Cantares Gallegos in 1863, by Rosalía de Castro. Every year it is dedicated to a Galician writer who has passed away and has been important for Galician literature. This year Letras Galegas honoured Xela Arias, a Galician writer who worked as a teacher, a translator and of, course, as a writer. We learnt a lot about her life and work, and created some pieces inspired by her literary works: We decorated this bookmark and also created a cootie catcher: Our schoolmates from Preschool created these beautiful murals…