Last 17th of May we celebrated, as usual, our Letras Galegas Day. It is one of the most important dates for our culture.
As you may know, this date conmemorates the publishing of Cantares Gallegos in 1863, by Rosalía de Castro. Every year it is dedicated to a Galician writer who has passed away and has been important for Galician literature.
This year Letras Galegas honoured Xela Arias, a Galician writer who worked as a teacher, a translator and of, course, as a writer.
We learnt a lot about her life and work, and created some pieces inspired by her literary works:
We decorated this bookmark and also created a cootie catcher:
Our schoolmates from Preschool created these beautiful murals and a postcard:
Our schoolmates from Primary also composed these two original murals, wich contain some of ther most famous works and some facts about her life. Did you know that Xela used to work in Santa Comba as a teacher?
We also watched the video below. In it, you can watch Yolanda Castaño, a Galician writer, speaking about Xela Arias’ biography. We enjoyed it a lot! Here you can watch it:
How did you celebrate Letras Galegas this year? Have you read any of Xela Arias’ books? Tell us in the comments!