- 28Feb
MILK WEEK!!! TRIP TO S.A.T AGROS EN ALBARÍN!! Con motivo da celebración da semana do Leite, un grupo de rapaces e rapazas do Colexio acudiron hoxe pola tarde a visitar unha explotación gandeira en Albarin. FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE!! Os nenos pasearon polas distintas instalacións onde disfrutaron vendo os tenreiros, as vacas de cría, as leiteiras e mesmo estuveron presentes no momento en que unha vaca estaba parindo. Cando remataron pasaron a unha sala onde lles explicaron os distintos compoñentes do leite e os productos derivados del. Para rematar degustaron o leite e recibiron uns agasallos . What do you think about the experience? What have you learnt during the trip?
23FebRosalía de Castro’s day!!! The Galician poet of all times!!
Todos celebramos o día de Rosalía de Castro e os seus poemas!!!A famous Galician and Spanish poet of the 19th century..!!! She is known all around Galicia and Spain, she is a worldwide figure!!She was born on the 24th of February in 1837. So today, we celebrate her life and work!!Have you read her poems?? What do you think about her writings, her life, her career as a poet during the 19th century?Aqui no colexio celebramos a súa figura e o seu legado xunto cos nosos nenos!!! Look at this!!!
09FebLet’s get cooking
Extraordinary recipies!!Delicious carnival desserts elaborated by our students!! Are you ready to start cooking? More recipies to share?
Preparados para carnaval!!! En el colegio ya estamos listos!! Get ready for fun, laugh and loads of disguises and typical Carnival food of Galicia!!! Do you like disguises??? REMEMBER LAST YEAR!!!! Do you like ORELLAS, CHULAS, FILLOAS…..MMMMM…YUMMY!!!! AND HOT CHOCOLATE!!!
http://www.rtve.es/television/masterchef-junior/ Que cocinamos? Tienes talento y paciencia para cocinar? What do you think about Master Chef Junior?? Do you watch it???? Are you good at cooking?? Do you learn a lot from the programme? Which chef do you prefer?? Do you like these dishes??? Yummy…