24th of February – Rosalía’s Day
The 24th of February we celebrated Rosalia de Castro’s day in our school. We read some of her poems and saw some videos about her life and work. It was so much fun! We also did some art work about her. Check out the medals our schoolmates from Preschool did: We also painted some bookmarks about her: It was very enjoyable to learn more about such an important figure to Galician and Spanish literature. It seems that we could speak about her forever! Don’t you think? What about you? Which is your favourite book by Rosalía de Castro?
Carnival 2021
Although this year we couldn’t celebrate as we would like, we got to dress up and paint some Carnival masks as usual! Look at the beautiful masks our schoolmates from Preschool did! Aren’t they original? We also saw the most original and beautiful costumes among our students. Have a look! Thank you for the great time! Although we couldn’t make a great party, we still had an amazing Carnival! We can’t wait for next year’s!
Our school adapts to Covid-19
How are you all? We expect that everything is okey! This year we’ve been so busy adapting to the new Covid-19 proceedings that we totally forgot to keep you updated! This year, as you know, it’s all about prevention and safety. We’re more than happy to be back at school but there are some changes we had to get used to. For example, this is what we see now everytime we arrive at school: a dispenser with hand sanitazer. Also, as you can see, our spaces look a little bit different now: And look: even Anita has adaptated to our new reality and now wears a face mask! We also need to thank the Town Hall of Santa Comba for…
“As nosas letras” Our stories get awarded!
Last October our Primary Education students participated in the 21st “As nosas letras” essay competition. The contest was about writing stories based on our town. We had the opportunity of showing all of our creativity and storytelling skills!! Some of our students got prizes and they received their awards at school this week. You can see the pictures of the event below: We are so proud of our students! Once again, they have demonstrated that their creativity and optimism have no limits. Congratulations to our winners and all participants!
Sport activities
Hello everyone! We hope you are doing great and that you are all safe. We want to share with you some of the sport activities we did on the first and second semester this year. We went to different places to play football, basketball…with other kids from other schools. It was so much fun! You can see by the pictures below that it was a blast! We can’t wait to repeat experiences like these when we get back to school! Keep safe and we hope to see you soon ?
Thank you! Your drawings and messages
These days we’ve been receiving your art works and we want to say a huge congratulations to you all! Your creations are wonderful and certainly they cheered up us! Here you can see them: Alejandro F. Adrián L. Berta L. …
Everything will be fine!
Hello artists! ? We want to propose a very fun activity to do at home. Primary Education students, you have to do a drawing with #Everything will be fine or #I stay at home as a slogan. Once you’ve done it, you must send a picture of your work of art to your teacher. Furthermore, your drawing will be presented and evaluated as any other Arts and Crafts assingnment when we come back to school. Instruction – Your design must be made on a A4 size (the size of a sheet). – You can use different techniques and materials, such as recycled material (paperboard, caps, newspapers…), cardboards, EVA foam, ice cream sticks, silk paper, markers, colouring pencils, crayons, collage… –…
Day of Peace 2020
Last January we celebrated the Day of Peace in our school. We did a lot of activities and crafts. Take a look! Our schoolmates from Preschool did these beautiful murals: In Primary we painted these amazing medals. Do you like them? We also did a mural, what do you think about it? We love it! What do you do to celebrate the Day of Peace? We’d love to hear it!
Inmaculada Festival
The most important day of the year for our school has arrived. On the 19th of December we celebrated Inmaculada’s day with music, theatre and -of course- lots of fun! After the mass, we could enjoy the play “Aladdin”. It was outstanding! Here you can see the beautiful costumes and decoration we prepared: After the play we could see the dances our classmates had prepared. Have a look! It was fantastic! Congratulations for the hard work and a fantastic festival! Happy New Year everyone!
Autumn activities
Since school started back in September we have done various activities outside school. Here we tell you a bit about them: First, we visited the library to learn about the lives of important women in history. It was very interesting! After that, we went to the theatre to see a play about Antonio Fraguas, a galician writer who was honored this year’s Letras Galegas. Finally, we visited an exposition of photographs about water in different forms. It was so enriching and interesting! We learnt a lot of new things. And you? What have you been up to this Autumn? Tell us in the comments!