Our school adapts to Covid-19

 How are you all? We expect that everything is okey! This year we’ve been so busy adapting to the new Covid-19 proceedings that we totally forgot to keep you updated!

This year, as you know, it’s all about prevention and safety. We’re more than happy to be back at school but there are some changes we had to get used to. 

For example, this is what we see now everytime we arrive at school: a dispenser with hand sanitazer. 

Also, as you can see, our spaces look a little bit different now: 

And look: even Anita has adaptated to our new reality and now wears a face mask!

We also need to thank the Town Hall of Santa Comba for the masks they have given our pupils and also the special bins they have given to us. We’re very grateful!

This is everything for now. We’ll keep you updated on the news about our school. Mea
nwhile, remember to keep safe! 

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