Pre-school book day!
El 23 de abril fue el Día Internacional del Libro. ¿Quieres ver lo que hicimos en el cole para celebrarlo? Take a look! Los compañeros y compañeras de 3 años hicimos nuestro particular homenaje a los cuentos tradicionales: ¡Y también decoramos la entrada de clase! We had so much fun! En 4 y 5 años creamos cada uno nuestro propio libro. Además, ¡pusimos una biblioteca en clase! ¡Mira que entretenidos estábamos leyendo nuestros libros! We love reading!! ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo has celebrado el Día Internacional del Libro?
This year, for English Week we travelled to Canada! That’s why our school was decorated with Canada’s flag and some canadian symbols: beavers, hockey players…and look at Anita dressed as a mounted police officer! We also decorated our hall with a huge mural with Canada’s map and pictures of the most important places of the country: We did a lot of fun activities! In the pictures below you can see our preschool and grade 1-2 schoolmates painting Canada’s flag: We also learnt about Canada’s most important cities and its history. On Friday we enjoyed a lot of different games and activities. It was a blast! We can’t…
Happy Father’s Day!
On March 19th it was Father’s Day! We made a lot of gifts for our parents. Take a look! We bet our parents loved their gifts!
Día de Rosalía de Castro
O día 22 de febreiro celebramos o Día de Rosalía de Castro na escola. A mellor poeta galega de todos os tempos naceu en Santiago de Compostela o 24 de febreiro de 1837 e faleceu en Padrón o 15 de xullo de 1885, á idade de 48 anos. A súa influencia na literatura galega e española é moi grande e por iso celebramos o seu día con murais, lendo os seus poemas e aprendendo sobre a súa vida. Aquí están algúns dos murais nos que traballamos! Algúns teñen datos sobre a súa vida, como o que podes ver abaixo: Mentres que outros inclúen algunhas dos seus poemas máis coñecidos, coma este, de Cantares Gallegos: E ti? Leches algún poema de…
We dress up for Carnival!
Last Friday we held a big party in our school to celebrate the arrival of Carnival. We had great music, amazing food and a delicious hot chocolate. Have a look! Mmmm!! Yummy!!! Thanks to all the parents that cooked filloas, orellas and rosquillas for the party! We wore our best Carnival costumes to the party. We dressed up as unicorns, superheroes, witches, troglodytes and many more. You can see our costumes in the pictures below! We hope you all had an amazing Carnival with lots of fun and delicious food!!
Os Bolechas visit the school
A few days ago we had the pleasure to receive Os Bolechas in our school. They told our schoolmates from grades 3 to 6 about WEEE. WEEE stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. These residues are extremely dangerous for the environment and our health, so it is very important to have a good management of them. We learnt how important the nine R’s are for managing this kind of residues: rethinking, repairing, reusing, redesigning, redistributing, rebuilding, recycling, reducing and recuperation of energy. Now we now more about how to take care of our planet and we are going to put all the advices in practice!
Day of Peace
Last Wednesday -30th of January- we celebrated the Day of Peace in our school. In this special date, we wanted to show in our work how much we care about coexisisting in harmony, respecting our differences and treating others the same way we want to be treated. Grades 1 to 4 did this beautiful mural you can see below. It says: Peace is in our hands. Our Preschool schoolmates did an amazing job too! Have a look: We also did some crafts about peace. They turned out fantastic! And you? What do you do to spread peace in your everyday life?
Are you ready for Christmas?
Christmas is almost here and we couldn’t be more excited!! We spent the last days getting our school ready for the holidays and drawing postcards. One of our schoolmates has won a prize in the postcards contest. Congratulations!! Here you can see him receiving the award: These are some of the postcards we drew: Aren’t they beautiful? And you? Are you ready for this Christmas season?
Inmaculada’s day festival
The most important day of the year for our school arrived this month. On the 5th of December we celebrated Inmaculada’s day with music, theatre and -of course- lots of fun! After the mass, we could enjoy the play “The Lion King”. The actors and actresses were terrific! Here you can see the beautiful costumes and decoration we prepared: After the play we enjoyed the dances and songs that the rest of grades had prepared. Take a look! We’re on the news again! Read it here! Congratulations to all for the hard work and the amazing results! We’re very proud of you!
Método Snappet: aprendemos dende a tablet!
Este curso, nas aulas de 4º e 5º traballaremos co Método Snappet as materias de matemáticas, inglés, lengua e lingua. Estamos moi emocionados! Queres saber de que trata o método Snappet? Segue lendo! O Método Snappet permítenos aprender con tablets por medio dunha plataforma compartida entre alumnos e mestre, así que agora poderemos repasar dende casa os contidos estudados no cole. Ademais, adáptase aos diferentes ritmos e estilos de aprendizaxe, ofrecendo unha ensinanza personalizada a cada estudante. Cada alumno ten unha tablet, onde pode ver o explicado en clase e realizar exercicios para afianzar. O profesor decide os contidos e exercicios que poden e facer ver os seus alumnos e alumnas, polo que esta metodoloxía facilita o seguimento do traballo…